Join the Concert Band
The Gem City Concert Band rehearses on Tuesday nights from 8:00 to 9:30 pm. Rehearsals are typically held in the first floor meeting room of St. John's Lutheran Church at 2216 Peach Street. There is off street parking. Enter the building through the entrance marked Pre-School and head down the steps and follow to the end of the hall on the left. Plan to arrive between 7:45 and 7:55, as the main entrance door is locked during rehearsals.
Prospective members should contact the band by completing the contact form, or by emailing gemcitybands@gemcitybands.org. You may also feel free to come to a rehearsal and experience an evening with the band with no pressure. It's a friendly bunch that enjoys having fun and making great music.
Those belonging to the Local 17 Chapter of the American Federation of Musicians (AFM) are unfortunately ineligible for membership with Gem City Bands at this time.
Please note only the Gem City Concert Band is accepting new members at this time.
Are there auditions or chair placement?
No auditions are required; however, a proficiency of advanced high school or college-level music reading and playing is preferred. The conductor has the final authority to make any determination on instrumentation, seating and soloing to allow the bands to achieve a high-quality musical experience for members and the audience.
What do I need?
You will need your own instrument and music stand. The band will provide the music.
What is my commitment?
You should be able to attend regular band rehearsals on Tuesday nights and perform at the various concerts throughout the season. It is also recommended that you take your music folder home and practice any passages that give you trouble during rehearsals.
What if I have to miss practices or concerts?
We recognize that vacations, illnesses, work and other situations may occur that sometimes affect attendance. When missing a rehearsal, please be sure to let the conductor or the personnel manager know in advance. For anticipated gig absences, please let the personnel manager know as far in advance as possible so personnel/parts can be adjusted as necessary in cooperation with the conductor.
What is the cost?
There are no membership fees or dues.
What do I wear for concerts?
The bands have adopted a casual, yet uniform look. You will need to purchase a Gem City Bands polo shirt for $20 from Gem City Bands. You will also be expected to purchase khaki pants, and black dress shoes. A limited supply of Gem City baseball hats and light-weight t-shirts are also available for sale.
Where can I get more information?
If you have any questions or are interested in joining, please submit a request and someone will get back to you shortly.
Especially Seeking: